Hello People! It’s been several months since I last posted, and if my blog really were my fifth child, as I’ve referred to it, I would rightfully have had social services banging on my door with neglect charges. Thankfully, there’s no blog police, but I do have to answer to myself, and I’ve really missed this space. So today I’m back, and I’m hoping to not take such a long hiatus again. Going forward, I plan to post on a semi-regular basis without putting undue pressure on myself to constantly post. I have other writing goals for myself this coming school year, now that all of my babes are in the same building for seven and a half hours a day. I wasn’t expecting the deer in headlights feeling that came with having my youngest go off to kindergarten. Last week, after dropping him off for his first full day, I felt like I wasn’t quite sure how to move forward without a little one in tow. But this week provides me with the perfect excuse to put myself out there once again and reconnect with my writing world. Drum roll please….
Today is launch day for the fabulous anthology, “So Glad They Told Me: Women get Real about Motherhood.” This book of essays contains wonderful stories, nuggets of wisdom, and is overall a great resource of tales from the trenches of motherhood. There’s something for moms from all walks of life. It can be read in one fell swoop or picked up and enjoyed leisurely, as you savor one essay at a time.
My piece, “Motherhood is Hard,” tells the story of my early days as a new mom in Manhattan, a screaming Mr. C in my arms, hormones raging, loneliness encompassing me. A phone call to one of my lifelines, my cousin Ellen, helped calm me down and get me back to a more grounded place. She helped me feel at peace with the fact that I was struggling, yet she also encouraged me to trust myself and my own instincts. Writing this essay took me back to those early days of motherhood when I felt as if the walls were caving in, my body was no longer mine, and my ability to have any sort of grip on life alluded me. I’m now more than 11 years into my motherhood journey, and while the days of nursing and postpartum hormone surges are behind me, each new phase with each of my kids brings its own predicaments. I’m forever grateful that early on I was told it was OK to think that motherhood is hard. (And also wondrous and joyful and divine)!
I hope you’ll check out “So Glad They Told Me.” You can click here or on the image below to purchase a copy for yourself, your bestie mama friend, or any other mom you think would love to know she’s not alone on this wild ride! Thanks for your love and support!

Mazel Tov, Mimi! So proud of you, and pleased that your piece is included in this worthy anthology! Happy Launching!
Yay! Glad you’re back! I want to hear about the goals for this school year. And congrats on the book!