On a recent organizing binge, I spent days sifting through long ago papers that were taking up precious real estate in my desk drawers. Most of what I found went straight to recycling, but every so often I came upon a gem that I didn't even realize was missing. Among those treasures was a questionnaire I filled out at the end of 2011, the year I gave birth to my fourth child. I remember answering the questions while listening to a motivational speaker at a board meeting for a non-profit organization. At the time, those meetings were about the only "non-mom" activity in my life. Inspiration The questionnaire was two pages. The first was titled: Completing and Remembering 2011, and the other was called: Creating 2012. Among the questions on the 2011 form was this: What compliment would you like to have received but didn’t? Answer: That I’m organized. (Never heard it in 2012,13, or 14. Maybe 2015 will be the year?) When I skimmed the 2012 form I saw this: What is one as … [Read more...]